Monday thru Friday 9AM - 5 PM, Other times available by APPOINTMENT ONLY
Contact us at 410-885-2365 Voice -or- 410-885-3113 FAX -or email-

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See you in Spring 2025!
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Computer Sales, Service and Repairs of ALL Brands of Desktops, Laptops, and Servers
New & Used Computers, Laptops, Laptop/Notebook Repairs ,
We repair ALL Apple/Macs/iMacs/MacBooks/iPads

Networking, Data Recovery Specialists, Consulting and Training!



ICA Chesapeake City, MD PC's printers, computer supplies, computersICA Computer Consulting is located in South Chesapeake City 2/10 of a mile south of the Chesapeake City Bridge on Maryland. Rt. 213 South and has been serving Cecil County Maryland and the surrounding areas since 1978.

Our family owned and operated business specializes in sales and support of all computers and associated hardware for individuals and small businesses. By purchasing locally, you have preferred access to our support to assist you in resolving any problems you may have.

In addition to supporting computers and systems we also install hardware and software and provide support for all brands of computers and their associated accessories.  We also build custom computer systems for gamers, satellite video/audio and other advanced custom applications.

If you are looking for home office or small business network design, installation and support, we also provide those services.

Laptop Repair
We are Laptop SPECIALISTS on repairs and parts replacements.  We do board level power plug repairs.  We have Laptop power adapters, batteries, and keyboards in stock.  We also repair all APPLE computer products.

Data Recovery
We are DATA RECOVERY experts.  Lost a Hard Drive or disk?  We may be able to get the data back using the latest Forensic tools available.  Avoid the REALLY expensive options and let us try to recover your data FIRST at 'normal' rates and costs.
We are forensics certified experts!

We are a shipping, receiving, and drop off center for UPS.

To learn more about our products, services or who we are, please visit our links for sales, service and our company.  As always, please feel free to give us a call at any time 1-410-885-2365.

Our site is SSL protected!

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Sparta High School Class of 1968 50th Year link! (Updated 10-24)


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Starting August 2020
All contents copyright ICACC, LLC 2024
ICA Consulting Company, LLC, P.O. Box 742, 2615 Augustine Herman Hwy., Chesapeake City, Maryland  21915-0742
Contact 410-885-2365 Voice or 410-885-3113 FAX
Updated October 8th, 2024 EEb